‘A Different Lens’ is a documentary series that draws on the unique perspectives of academic and industry leaders from across a wide range of disciplines to uncover insights into the themes and challenges that will shape our future.

Staying Ahead of the AI Revolution - A Different Lens

Curing The Future - A Different Lens

Global Power - A Different Lens

The Climate Crisis - A Different Lens

Part 1: Treating mental illness with psychedelics - A Different Lens

Part 2: Treating mental illness with psychedelics - A Different Lens

A Different Lens snapshot - Creating a social contract for education together

The Gaming Renaissance - A Different Lens

The Future Of Travel - A Different Lens

The Age Of Surveillance - A Different Lens

The Bushfires that Changed Australia - A Different Lens.

The COVID-19 Ripple Effect - A Different Lens Snapshot

Reimagining Australia Day - A Different Lens (Snapshot)

The Australian Identity Debate – A Different Lens

Designing Future Cities - A Different Lens

The Question of Retaliation - A Different Lens

A Different Lens - The Business of Energy

The Ageing Population - A Different Lens

Digital Health: The New Frontier of Healthcare - A Different Lens

The State of Our Mental Health - A Different Lens

Is Teaching Australia's Most Under-appreciated Profession? - A Different Lens

Youthquake - A Different Lens (Generation Series)

The Future of Work - Snapshot - A Different Lens (Generation Series)

Educating The Digital Generation - A Different Lens (Generation Series)

Generation Entrepreneur - A Different Lens (Generation Series)

Beating The Superbugs - A Different Lens

The Death of Corporate Greed? - A Different Lens

The Science of Addiction - A Different Lens

Modern Slavery - A Different Lens

The Age of Cryptocurrency - A Different Lens

The Rise of Populism - A Different Lens

The Ethics of Neuroscience - A Different Lens

The Future of Terrorism - A Different Lens

Sustainable Futures - A Different Lens

An Automated World - A Different Lens

A Different Lens